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Fish and Cheeses

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If you are looking for homemade Italian food in Costa Rica then look no further, Walter's Fish and Cheeses is at the top of the list for taste, selection and authenticity.

Located in Playa Langosta, just a few minutes down the road from Tamarindo, Fish and Cheeses offers outdoor patio dining and a great selection of Italian food including pizzas, lasagna, ravioli, shrimp, chicken parmesan, salads and much more.

We visited on a Friday afternoon for lunch and enjoyed a nice bottle of Prosecco with our meal while sitting on the patio during a nice cool rainy day in November.

The freshly made stuffed ravioli had a wonderful and zesty homemade tomato sauce.  The fresh, aged parmesan cheese was perfect.

Fish and Cheeses Ravioli in a tasty homemade tomato sauce.Ravioli Stuffed with Ricotta

The chicken parmesan had two large filets, was cooked perfectly and very tender.  The entree included a very nice, fresh salad.

Two large pieces of chicken parmesan with homemade tomato sauce and side salad.Chicken Parmesan

Shown above is the garlic butter shrimp with a wonderful side salad.  The shrimp was tender and sweet.

Fresh shrimp sauteed with garlic and butter along with a very fresh side salad.Garlic Butter Shrimp

The food at Fish and Cheeses is amazing.  They also have a shop with a nice selection of Italian cheeses, meats, fish and wine.

Business hours are Monday thru Saturday (closed on Monday) from 11am until 3pm and 5pm to 9pm, closed for dinner preparation from 3-5pm.

Fish and Cheeses Menu